by Scott Daugherty | Oct 3, 2023
Multi week outreach expedition with village eye screening camps Multiple remote villages served, surgeries performed in field hospital 1557 patients screened 97 sight saving surgeries
by Scott Daugherty | Oct 3, 2023
Collaboration with the Himalaya Eye Institute in Pokhara, Nepal Fully funded seminar for local ophthalmologists from all 26 districts of Nepal ORS* team members conducted an instructional program including complex surgeries, multiple surgical demonstrations and...
by Scott Daugherty | Oct 3, 2023
4 day free of cost eye camp Free glasses and medication Surgeries at no cost 550 patients screened 28 sight saving surgeries
by Scott Daugherty | Oct 3, 2023
The first corneal transplants performed in Morocco Establishment of the first eye bank Congenital glaucoma surgery on a 6 month old girl Retinal detachment surgery on a 45 year old father of four who was able to return to work
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